Kick-Off Meeting

To join in person, be at Flint Best Western located at  6075 Hill 23 Dr, Flint, MI 48507-3894, United States on Monday July 17th at 7:00 PM

To join by phone call (515) 604-9344 then enter Access Code: 506190# or follow the link below

The main goal of the meeting is to establish a temporary one year steering committee.


During the first year the steering committee can have a fluid structure with at least once a month virtual meeting. Thus anyone can be an active member even if s/he can’t attend the kickoff meeting. The steering Committee can create as needed standup committees to help achieve its goal. The steering committee will be dissolved at the end of the first annual meeting.

During the first year the steering committee need to accomplish the followings:

1- Prepare a proposed organization constitution to be approved by general assembly.
2- Prepare a proposed organization by-law to be approved by the general assembly.
3- Prepare for the first organization annual convention.
4- Extend membership to any qualified person
5- Overseas nomination and election during the first annual meeting.

The Kickoff meeting will take place at Flint Best Western located at  6075 Hill 23 Dr, Flint, MI 48507-3894, United States

Doors open at 7:00 PM for refreshment but the formal meeting start at 8:00 PM and last until 10:00 PM

Issam Andoni

Please follow the link below for a copy of draft kickoff meeting agenda and slides


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